Monday, March 2, 2020

I Ain't Scared

After hearing the coronavirus-confirmed deaths in Washington state, I changed the image on my Countdown to Bellingham Weekend app today.

Hey, it's a joke. It's an old picture from one of the times I had bronchitis. But it does fit in with the frenzied, if not fanatical, reaction out in the Seattle area right now. Seriously, I have firsthand accounts!

And I'm not afraid.

Really, we're not. I probably had more concerns traveling as an American overseas in recent years than I do that hubby or I will contract this virus. And if we do, we're certainly of the mindset (like everyone else freaking out) to pay close attention to any symptoms.

So we're treating our trip just like our daily lives during flu season. We'll wash our hands – maybe extra often – and certainly do our best not to snuggle up to strangers who may be carrying something contagious. Seems logical to me.

I made sure I called my mom tonight, though, so she'd know this is not a big deal. Well, it is to the people sick or dying, but not to the other 99% of the population. I also promised her that if we felt sick in the coming weeks, we wouldn't be stubborn like Dad always was, and we'd actually get in to see a doctor.

So all bases are covered. Just need to pack (make sure to include hand sanitizer) so we can head to the wild west in 2 days, 20 hours, 14 minutes, and counting...

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