Saturday, March 14, 2020

Practice Safe Socializing

As much as I understand the current need for "social distancing" to stop or slow the spread of the coronavirus, it's a tough ask for us hugger types.

This morning at book club, where there are always hugs hello AND goodbye, we sat with some distance (not the recommended 6 feet) between us and no touching. No hugging. *sad face* Thank goodness we could still talk and laugh. That was much needed socializing for Mz. Home Office this week.

This afternoon, hubby and I were at a surprise birthday party. Definitely not possible to keep the recommended 6-foot distance between each person. I wore a high scarf to keep my mouth hidden behind a barrier – and tried really hard to just bump elbows instead of hugging anyone. Two hugs sneaked in at the end, but I'm hoping to God they were safe ones. We kept our visit shorter than usual, too. For the most part, though, everyone there was on the same page about practicing safe socializing.

Just not as fun, though! But so necessary. I get that.

Back in the Bubble... Day 5: Post-Washington... Jim and I still feel great. Not showing any symptoms of ANYTHING. But we know we just need to stay diligent about washing our hands, staying home as much as we can, and trying to keep enough distance between us and other people when we're out of the bubble.

Like everyone else, we're just taking this one day at a time. Trying our best to be smart and safe.

And just keep praying all we brought back from Washington was good memories of a great weekend!

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