Sunday, March 1, 2020

In Like a Lamb, I Kid Ewe Not

If you would have asked me the temperature today, I don't think it felt like it was almost 50. But my weather app never lies, does it? So March comes in like a lamb. I kid ewe you not.

Welcome to Punville!

This is weird that this is the second Sunday in a row that the temps have been like this. While the rest of the week reverts to winter, of course. This time, though, I was able to get out for a walk.

Icy in some spots. And lakes forming in others. Managed to maneuver fine and just enjoy the sunshine for a bit!

Was trying to relax on the "day of rest," after all. I took it seriously because the pastor even mentioned it in her sermon today. How hard stress is on our bodies and our need to rest once in awhile. Punch my ticket to heaven! I totally followed orders.

In fact, I finished crocheting a scarf while watching the movie Brittany Runs a Marathon on Amazon Prime. Watch it. Worth it. Based on true story, too! Then, after my walk, I resumed my seat in my recliner and started watching the Netflix series Northern Rescue. Even though it has one of the Baldwin "boys" in it, I still like it. A lot!

And here's a clue about what I'll do tonight. I'm blogging now so I have time to A) clean my office or B) watch episode 5 of the series.

Ding! Ding! Ding! I think you know the answer!

By the way, my raffle basket win was actually a box...

Two t-shirts and 4 slices of Polito's pizza! I'll do the cooking tomorrow night!

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