Saturday, March 28, 2020

Clutter Jams

I've been looking for motivation and today I finally found it. Thanks in part so some old '90s mix CDs of mine that I've now dubbed "Music to De-Clutter By." And it was.

About mid-morning, I headed down the to basement and came up at 5 p.m. – only taking breaks to eat and refill my water bottle.

I hit the "main room" of the basement with the goal of going through bins of Carter's clothes and toys and eventually hitting the closet. Instead of just throwing things in the donation pile, I did post photos of several items as part of a Giveaway Saturday! I like to give stuff to people I know if they can use it. The rest will go to Goodwill.

At end of day, I did have a trunk full of stuff – not even clothes yet – but I probably won't add any items to the backseat. Who knows how many weeks I'll be driving around with junk in my trunk (ha) before Goodwill opens again!

I did go through the games part of the closet, but have to drag out stuff from the other side, which seems like a bunch of craft bins – books and material, etc. I'll do that tomorrow while I still have my motivation. Crossing fingers it doesn't drift away while I sleep!

Part of fun was discovering favorite clothes Carter used to wear and items from his childhood – like his bouncy ball collection! I assured him I wasn't getting rid of that. Quite valuable, I'm sure.

I also came across some puzzles I didn't know we had. So tonight after supper, that was my treat. I'm doing a kitty puzzle! I didn't get very far but, hey, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon so I can pick at it when I have a few free moments or just need to escape from the day's headlines.

It will be a true test of willpower to get back downstairs tomorrow and hit that closet, rather than trying to finish the puzzle border. Maybe I should go back out there before I go to bed!

Just for a minute.

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