Monday, February 27, 2023

Put Monday on Ice

It was a wise decision to close local schools for the day. Actually, they mostly do virtual learning these days instead of the old-fashioned snow days like we had. I was glad it was Monday today so I could work from home anyway. It would not have been a safe commute.

The Rapids area got a healthy layer of ice. The sleet stopped late morning and then changed to snow. Probably got an inch or so. I have not ventured outside to check. 

In fact, I took my ice pictures through the window!

A nice coating on everything. Glad we didn't lose power or cable or internet.

It's back to the office tomorrow. Our desks have been rearranged so we have to unpack in our new locations and talk about the weather and probably not get much work done. I'll have to hit the road early in the morning so I can allow extra time to get there on time. Don't want to miss out on doing nothing!

Be careful out there!

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