Saturday, February 18, 2023

Weekending Right

When the snow is melting and the sunset reflects off ice in the fields, you know we're having a mild February. 

When you step out of a saloon and there's a horse tied up to a dumpster, you know you're from Wisconsin. Or a few other places.

Last night, Jim and I picked up our friends Craig and Sara to go to the Assumption boys game up at Auburndale. Along the way we stopped for a fish fry at the infamous Sherri Land Ballroom. Or I should say bar and ballroom. No one was dancing. We were just eating. I've never been there but it's the hotspot of activity for Sunday polka bands!

To continue my weekending vibe, I did not even take my camera to the game. Just took the night off and spectated. And our boys lost. I guess they do better when I'm courtside!

Afterwards, we stopped at Patsy's bar and bowling alley in Rudolph for a few hours. I was really seeing the highlights of Wood County! Late night, slept fast.

Had book club first thing this morning. Then my friend Cindy and I went from there to the Empty Bowls soup and raffle fund-raiser. Pretty bowls, delicious soup and yes, I am a basket winner. Keeping that streak alive!

The rest of the day was cleaning out some "old stuff" from our bedroom – things we decorated with 20 years ago just have to go – as we prepped for the Empty Nest Shuffle. We got Carter's bunkbeds and mattresses up to the garage. A friend is picking them up Sunday evening. We'll move our queen bed down after one more night's sleep on it. And our king will be delivered tomorrow afternoon! 

We both realized we have a pile of books by our sides of the bed so I guess I should get reading before I think I need to buy more books! I also realize I could use about a week off just to keep this "out with the old" streak going, too! 

For now though... I'm weekending. And learning how to do it right.

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