Thursday, April 13, 2023

And Again!

Wow. After begging for spring to arrive, we've had the second day in a row of record-high temps in Rapids. And again, we were the warmest in the TV audience radius, anyway.

I'm probably the only one loving this!!

To be fair, there's super low humidity so really, everyone should enjoy it. Except that means this...

I've never been in a Red Flag Warning area. But it means absolutely no burning outdoors. There are too many wildfires going on right now in Wisconsin. Not that I planned a fire or anything.

The nice temps also mean that not only is road construction in full swing, but the motorcyclists are out and about too. I had a scary experience with that on my morning commute.

There's one area of I-39 near Hwy 10 in Stevens Point that is down to one lane right now. I saw a few vehicles ahead of me that suddenly a care swerved into the ditch / median area. It was freaky. Then we all slammed on our breaks. And I could see people moving a man off the road.

We sat there and I was only 4 cars away from the scene. There were road construction guys on their phones so I thought maybe one of the workers was hit. I heard sirens so I knew the police or ambulance or both were en route.

Then the stopped vehicles in front moved over to the closed lane and we could inch forward. That's when I saw the damaged motorcycle. Not sure what exactly happened but two vehicles had very distraught drivers standing there. Uff da.

A good reminder to pay extra attention now that spring has sprung! 

Be careful out there!

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