Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Never Too Old to Try Something New

Full disclosure: When I signed up for a group fitness class called Yogalates, I was definitely thinking Yoga Lattes. Maybe a chai latte vibe, you know? 

Instead it's a "A brilliant combination of the gentle stretch of Yoga and the core-building strength of Pilates." You know, the perfect East meets West fitness answer for just about everyone. Except people like me who have't done either.

So today over lunch was day one of the class for me. And while I have heard of "child's pose" and "downward dog," the backward and forward swan dive and warrior were new to me. Along with everything else. Then there was all the instructions of when to inhale and exhale. I wasn't the best pupil. Pretty much me...

I am not in the least flexible! And I know this will possibly help strengthen my back and maybe core, but uff da. I have a long ways to go.

Today I'll say you're never too old to try something new. Tomorrow or Friday – when my old body catches up with my young-minded actions – I might think differently.

Be careful out there!

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