Monday, April 17, 2023

Unavoidable Case of the Mondays

Guess who's got a case of the Mondays? Well, I can tell you for certain Coach Austin does. I do. And definitely Mr. Deck Chair.

That's what happens when you go to bed with this view.

And wake up to this one! At least we were outside the belt of snow that dumped 24 inches on Stanley and 19 on Neillsville. As baseball umpires say, we're just a bit outside.

Speaking of baseball... of course all spring sports were called off today. We'll see what the field conditions are for the rest of the week when we're supposed to play at other schools who got more snow than us. The joys of spring sports.

Naturally I had to get a few photos of nature. With the previous snow melt Up North, we got plenty of water in Bloody Run Creek, which often doesn't have moving water. 

And doesn't usually have open water when there's snow.

And one final set of before and after pictures – this time the back yard...

A view yesterday looking towards the creek. You can see our mole mine field.

And today from creek to house. Maybe moles (and snakes) got snowed out for the year. That would be one case of the Mondays I could handle.

Be careful out there!

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