Sunday, April 16, 2023

Going Mad

Having fun like college kids in Mad Town was only part of the fun this weekend.

First was a Friday victory for our Assumption Royals baseball team! That was fun to watch and capture lots of action shots – and smiles. I love this picture because we've got two base runners really anxious to score. Hope we have more games like that!

Saturday started with book club for me then celebrating the 65th wedding anniversary of Jim's aunt and uncle Joe and Janice. Got to see some cousins and kids over brunch, so that was nice.

Then we headed down to Madison to hook up with our Rudolph contingent of friends for a concert. Downtown Madison has a very fun vibe when it feels like a Saturday in summer! Had a very fun time making our way for the hotel to The Mavericks concert.

This is only half our crew. The Fuller Boys and their crew was down the street. A dozen of us fun-seekers in total. You can see the capital in the background and the Orpheum, where our concert was. 

So admittedly, when Jim bought us these tickets I did not know The Mavericks or their music. I still didn't when we were done. But I liked it! A lot! 

I wouldn't classify them as '90s country. More like rock-abilly mixed with a Mexican mariachi band. Very cool sound and their lead singer had a phenomenal voice! 

And really, where else can you rock out to some great brass – and an accordion? So fun! It was a great concert. Afterwards, we had to fast walk in the rain back to the hotel. We knew the summer weather wouldn't last.

This morning, we grabbed breakfast at I-Hop and hit the road. And it was still raining. We just stayed indoors and watched golf this afternoon. And the weather. What?

Yup, that lower left icon is correct. A winter storm warning just days after back-to-back high temperatures in the 80s. We're fake spring victims here! Oh, Wisconsin. You're so silly.

We're nestled right between Stevens Point and Adams on the map. Pretty close to the edge of the 9-14 inches zone (with locally heavy amounts up to 18 inches). Uff da! So we'll see how it plays out. All the rain in the past 24 hours has certainly greened things up around here. I'd hate for this storm to screw up "real spring" when it shows up.

Maybe in May.

Be careful out there. I'll be sitting here wondering what spring sports will happen this week!

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