Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Not Throwing Away My Shot

Every time I get some sort of vaccination I always hear the Hamilton soundtrack in my head with its "I'm not throwing away my shot" song. It doesn't make it painless or anything. But it's a cool song!

I forgot to mention that yesterday during all the carnival fun at work, I got my second shingles shot. Not part of the fun, that's for sure. When I got my first one a few months ago, I remember them saying the second one might cause more of a reaction. 

I mean, I remembered that after I had a sleepless night with body aches and hot and cold flashes. 

Got to work this morning and was like, oh yeah, this icky feeling and nausea might be from the shot yesterday. I promptly hit up "the Google" and sure enough, reaction side effects include: 

  • Pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site
  • Muscle pain
  • Tiredness
  • Headache
  • Shivering
  • Fever
  • Upset stomach
Somehow, knowing what was causing my discontent helped me get through it. You know how that is, it's different when you're not indefinitely sick and not contagious! Just a somewhat normal day at work. 

And, as long as those vaccinations prevent me from going through what my dad went through a dozen years ago, I can handle anything!

What also helped? Well, it's still our "carnival" celebration week so I got some tasty cake and cotton candy. Sugar overload! I am obviously a great financial supporter of my local dentist and chiropractor – depending on the day. They may or may not drive fancy SUVs thanks to me. But, what are YOU doing to support the same?

Definitely worth it in the end, right?

And at the end of the day, I hope the next day ignores all of this and just says: Carry on!

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