Sunday, March 31, 2024

We Need Easter Miracles

If you asked me 48 hours ago what an Easter miracle looked like, I'd say it was a cross between a winning Powerball ticket and at least 3 peanut butter eggs all to myself.

I've since changed my outlook.

Yesterday I was feeling super blessed after a nice lunch with longtime friends Tom and Toni in Waupaca and a visit with Jim's Uncle Richard as long as we were in the neighborhood. But that feeling changed when later in the afternoon while I was inside the carwash at Kwik Trip I got a text that my sister Rachel was in a serious car accident.

In a nutshell, she was driving her Taurus at left in the picture and heading west to go to church when the eastbound vehicle crossed the center line and hit her head-on. It took emergency crews an hour to extricate her and then airlift her to the Twin Cities. She was in surgery for an estimated 8 hours. Needless to say, she's got a lot of trauma to her body. 

Broken bones in left arm, hip and leg plus some ribs, her sternum and a few vertebrae. Then there's the damage (not sure if major or minor) to spleen etc in abdominal area. It sounds horrific but it is indeed an Easter miracle that she's alive.

It was a long night and long day today awaiting updates. We hosted Jim's family for Easter dinner so that was a nice break, so to speak. I'll probably get over to the cities this week, depending on surgeries and Rachel's ability/permissibility to have visitors. There's 5 other sisters and brother all within an hour or so of the hospital. Plus our mom.

When I talked to Mom tonight she was understandably out of sorts. If you can believe that at 92 years old and having 8 kids, this is the first traumatic experience. Apparently God has been performing Easter miracles all along and we just didn't realize it or appreciate it.

Thank you, God! And happy Easter to all! Hope you all had miracles to celebrate.

P.S. If you're the praying type, Rachel could sure use a few. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

More prayers. Thx for updates.

Anonymous said...

Rachel prayers

Anonymous said...

🙏🏻God provide wisdom to Rachels caregivers, peace to her family, comfort to Rachel as her healing begins. Prayers will continue. Hugs Darn

Anonymous said...

Prayers for your sister and family, Robyn.