Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Getting By With a Little Help From My Furry Friends

Although I firmly believe you can never trust a puppet (thanks, comedian Heywood Banks), I don't mind that once in awhile on a super stressful work day that you have a furry friend nearby to cheer you up.

Our team joked a few weeks ago that we should have puppets on hand (pun not intended) to deliver good news and bad news. Today I just got a "you look like you could use this" visitor to my desk.

Yay, stress. That's why they call it work, my late mother-in-law often said.

Anyway, I got through it and came home to a naked yard. All that snow... gone! There's still some stubborn flakes flying about, trying to stake their claim. But I don't think they'll stay.

The good news is that despite a bit of a day, Cookie Monster prompted me to buy some Thin Mint-wannabes at the store and whip up a Tuesday Trifle for work tomorrow. Celebrating a couple of birthdays and I'm so lazy I combined it into one...

Delicious-looking (and hopefully tasting) Thin Mint Madness trifle! And now that my "work" is done for the day, I can watch The Voice – and maybe Sesame Street if I have time.

Have a stress-free week and be careful out there!

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