Monday, June 17, 2024

Miracle Birthday

Not a lot of people look forward to celebrating their 60th birthday. But I can guarantee you my sister Rachel is on the short list of those who do.

Eleven weeks ago, we thought we'd lost her. But here's our miracle birthday girl today, having a few reasons to finally smile!

One, some of her sister brought her cake. Two, she's in the rehab area rather than ICU or Surgical Care. And three, she accomplished something yesterday most of us take for granted – getting out of bed unassisted and into her wheelchair unassisted and getting to and from her bathroom unassisted. It's a pretty big deal for her.

And now you also know how long of a road she has ahead of her – especially when she can only rely on her right leg, foot, and arm for support. For now.

She's not just a miracle. She's a Wonder Woman! 

Thanks for the prayers and please continue them if you have space in your heart to do so. She needs physical and mental strength – with some patience thrown in. 

You've got this, birthday girl! You've already proven you can do it! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Robyn!! Love you!!🥰