Friday, July 27, 2007

Blinding me with science

(Yes, it's another blog with an '80s song for a title. Deal with it and move on, please!)

Carter asked me the other day how old he would have to be before he could be a scientist. I may have told you before that he's a little into that kind of thing. "I just want to be a scientist so I can know everything about everything!"

I told him he probably will have to be an adult before he is a real scientist, but he could join a Science Club at school to start. "They don't have a Science Club until junior high," he set me straight. "They only have Chess Club at Grant Elementary."

OK, nothing against you chess moms, but I'm wondering how much of a nerd I want my son to be. Thankfully, he doesn't want anything to do with chess. But I am learning I can do little to stop him from traveling that road to Geek-dom.

Before we headed out the door this morning, I saw Carter was carrying a book under his arm. Turns out it was an encyclopedia! "Is it OK if I bring a different encyclopedia each day to look at in the car?" What parent would say no to that?

So on the way to work today, I learned about the surface temperature on Mars, how many days make a year on Jupiter and how many elements are made out of metal. I guess that's better than hearing about what Pokemon he's defeated on his GameBoy.

Maybe he'll start his own Science Club! I just worry the initiation will have something to do with shaving ...

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