Thursday, July 5, 2007

Warning signs

One of the first things we learn in driver's education is to pay attention to those bright yellow and orange warning signs.

When we were kids, we'd drive through a construction area and if the sign said "Low Shoulders," my mom would drop her shoulders and say something like, "Oh, my shoulders are so low!"

Mom is always good for a pun. I, on the other hand, just use these opportunities to further cultivate my sense of sarcasm (which needs no help).

My favorite: "Slow Children." Oh, those poor parents of those slow children. Are the kids so slow they can't outrun a car or are they behind in school?

The other day I saw a red sign nailed to a telephone pole that said "Brats Ahead." I laughed right out loud. I thought my sarcasm had been matched. Then I realized I'm in the middle of Wisconsin and somebody was selling bratwursts (or br-ah-ts, as we say). I'm guessing if my mother would have thought of it, she would have posted such a sign, warning the world about her 8 hooligans.

We do have sort of a personalized sign down the road from my parents. There's a curvy hill with a "Dangerous Curves" sign. My husband calls that stretch of road "Hedberg Curves" -- certainly in honor of my sisters, not me!

That should be a warning sign ... but I'm not sure for what!


Anonymous said...

A good headline a few weeks ago in the Inter-County Leader was "Man Charged with Battery".

~ Ron

Rajesh Kumar said...

Very good post regarding the importance and benefits of construction signs. These safety signs should be made mandatory in construction place as it can be helpful in avoiding injuries.