Sunday, July 1, 2007

What happens in Vegas ...

You know the current commercial blitz: "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas." I should add, "unless you're a blogger" because we share everything -- just about.

Five years ago today it was 112 degrees in Las Vegas. Jim and I stayed cool in the backseat of a limo on the way to and from The Little White Chapel by the Courthouse where we became Mr. & Mrs. Austin.

There are so many little white wedding chapels, their names sound alike and they're probably pretty similar with their services and appearances, too. I can't remember why we chose this particular one. I think because it had the photos and video included at a reasonable price, plus roses for me ... and there were no Elvis sightings there. Instead, Reverend Ron married us at noon in a 5-minute, 13-second ceremony and had us on our way back to Treasure Island to enjoy the afternoon.

Not too much fuss or glitz for such a major event. But that's OK. We're not the glitzy type! In a way, the flight out and back were actually more eventful.

At that time, we were approaching the first Independence Day since Sept. 11. Naturally, security at the airports was heightened. When we got to the ticket counter in Minneapolis, we handed the attendant our driver's licenses and she said to Jim: "Do you know your license expires before you come back?" How would we know that? How many of us, really, look at our license? We usually just hand it to someone else to look at, don't we?

We thought we might have to reschedule our trip and fly back on the 3rd instead of the 4th. Instead, they declared him a "selectee" which meant luggage searches and body probes (practically) at every security checkpoint. Since we were flying somewhere in the U.S., they said we'd get back but Jim would be targeted for the same security measures on the way back. Good to know. No use packing neatly when they're going to rip through everything anyway.

We were relieved when we were safely back in the Midwest on July 4th. As it turned out, I did not marry a terrorist -- just a select person of interest. And boy is he interesting!!

What? My lips are sealed. Some things that happen in Vegas have to stay there!

1 comment:

Rayna Delaney said...

Happy Anniversary! Glad you two have stuck it out for all these years. Hope each year gets better and better!