Saturday, July 14, 2007

The wall

Since I embarked on this blogging thing, I have gotten some warm fuzzies from my family and friends about my writing. I mean it's what I do, sort of, for a living. But they haven't subscribed to any newspapers or magazines I've ever worked on, so they don't know what I've been doing with my life.

In my opinion, they haven't got a chance to read what I would consider my "good stuff." But now, hopefully, they can at least see why I love writing ... love this low-paying career (ha!). I like it when the words somehow come together to tell a story, maybe inspire someone, and occasionally entertain. It makes me feel good if I can make others feel, period.

My sister Rayna has caught the blogging buzz as well. She has embarked on a personal project to improve her quality of life physically, emotionally and spiritually. She calls it her PES project.

We have a lot in common. She is finding it somewhat freeing, too, to write about her challenges and her triumphs. I think we're both after the same thing. We both want PEACE with our PES projects. Just because I keep things on the light side, doesn't mean there aren't serious things going on in life, nor does it mean I am avoiding them.

I can joke about the fact that I am such a loser I can't win the Biggest Loser contest, but it's a serious goal for me to be healthy. I've spent too much of my life NOT that way, trust me. 2007 has not been my year for progress, yet. I weigh the same as I did back in January! All this effort has been for maintenance?!?

In Rayna's blog today she talks about walls. I think I have hit a wall, too! Lately, my life has become an excuse festival for not exercising or eating right. I'm too busy, too tired, too sore from kickball, it's too hot, too rainy ...

I've discovered the best way to get over a wall is a good ladder ... sturdy support from loved ones and someone to push you onto that first rung. Last night I got that push when the 3-year-old son of one of my friends said, "Robyn, you have a baby inside you!"

I started climbing that ladder this morning!


Rayna Delaney said...

Robyn, you always have been able to put a smile on my face and make me laugh! You writing is so expressive. I know that you have had some tough times in your life, when you were not expressing the hurts and pains you felt, other than through self-abusive actions. You may have written about them in your own private way, but those who loved you were not aware of you. YOU, what you were thinking, feeling, and sometimes we only saw actions.

You are again (thankfully) the fun-loving little girl I remember seeing grow up. The one we nicknamed Round Robyn because you had such an adorable round face and you were a little chubbier than your lean twin, Lean Raylene! Don't take offense at this rememberance and I'm glad you can "laugh" at that young boy's comment last night.

They say that each of us form our personality by the time we are five years old. Regretfully, so many of us try to lose that personality as we grow older through choices we make. I think you have found your true self again and I'm so happy for you!

Rayna Delaney said...

P.S. Remember muscles weigh more than fat! :)