Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Let freedom ring

It's Independence Day. A day to celebrate our freedom with flags, barbecues and fireworks.

Do we ever really think about our freedoms with a real sense of gratitude for the men and women who have fought for them? I'm as guilty as the next person. I love having the day off and, until recently, didn't give it much deeper thought.

For a time after Sept. 11, we were all patriotic, flag-waving Americans. Again, I'm guilty of jumping on that bandwagon. It wasn't until I had a family member in the service, that I truly appreciated what was being done on behalf of our nation.

The conflict in Iraq has turned my nephew Matthew into a freedom fighter. It also quickly turned a boy into a man -- one who, I imagine, will forever be haunted by the images of violence and death and memories of his actions as a U.S. Marine.

I was thrilled to learn the other day that Matt is finally back in the states -- to stay -- after tours of duty in Iraq and, most recently, Afghanistan. Naturally, my sister Renell and her two daughters are pleased to have their Matty home. Much more so, I'm sure, is his bride of less than a year. They can now move on with their lives together.

It is with a grateful heart I think about what Matthew has endured and thankfully survived. I think about my nephew Tony, a recent high school grad and new Army man, and what he has yet to experience. And I proudly wear my red, white and blue today. America thanks you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Robyn for the reminder and wonderful tribute to Matt & my Army son, Tony. I greatly appreciate it! It's wonderful to have Matt back in the states. Thanks again for all your love and support of our families servicemen and our country's servicmen and women. They put their lives on hold so our nation can continue to be free. R#8