Thursday, July 26, 2007

Identity crisis?

Every time people hear that there are 8 kids in my family -- 7 girls and 1 boy -- they always say, "Your poor brother!"

I don't understand. It's not like we forced him to play with Barbies or something. In fact, I'd say most of us girls were tomboys. We enjoyed biking and camping as much as the next boy, but we were not immune to "boy chores" like mowing or hauling wood. All of us, Ron included, participated in cleaning and baking as well.

Jim and I have tried to do the same thing with Carter. He loves being Mommy's helper. Just because he's a boy doesn't mean he doesn't like to craft with me or bake with me. (All these great male chefs had to spend some time in the kitchen, didn't they?)

Carter also puts his own clothes away and is slowly learning the washing and folding part. He figures he's owed an allowance if he gets to that level of participation in the laundry process, but we say, no, this is about learning responsibility, how to take care of yourself.

When he gets to college and "real life," he'll need to know how to do his laundry and make his own meals. It's not something only girls need to know. Everyone needs to be independent some day. I don't think he'll get that concept just yet -- especially when Mom still cuts the crusts off his sandwiches (guilty as charged!).

At least he's not afraid to like some "girly" things. He claims his favorite color is pink. He's been begging us to get him one of those shirts that says: "Man enough to wear pink!" Yikes.

Apparently he's ready to become a man. This is a boy who was absolutely thrilled that on his school supply list it said he gets to bring deodorant this year. He seriously cheered when he read that. He's growing up too fast!

This morning on the way to Iola he says, "Mom, I think I need to start shaving soon." The first vision that popped into my head was him cutting his precious face. So I asked, "Why?" and he said, "Look at the hair on my legs!"

Oh boy ... er girl ... er, uh oh!


Anonymous said...

What have you done?!?!?

Carter's poor dad.

Anonymous said...


Don't try to act like you had nothing to do with the kid!


Start writing that book, it will be a winner!