Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Class is in Session (almost)

Carter's afterschool sitter called to see if he is planning to ride the bus to her house again this year. I told her: "I hate when you call. That means summer's over!"

Indeed it is. Carter has changed the lyrics to Alice Cooper's "School's out for summer..." and has been singing "School starts forever!" I guess he thinks summer has gone by too fast, too.

This afternoon he had an open house at Grant Elementary to drop off school supplies and meet his teacher. He also got to see who will be in his class (since his age group is divided into 3 rooms) and where his desk is.

The first thing he noticed was not that he is kitty-corner from his buddy Joey, but that he will be sitting next to the girl he claims he hates and affectionately calls "Misery." He lets out a groan and his teacher said the girl had done the same thing when she was there earlier. Carter's face sure turned red for someone who doesn't care about Misery's opinion.

The teacher seems pretty nice. She mentioned she had hoped she'd get Carter in her class. She probably says that to all the kids, but our boy may have started his first fifth-grade crush right then and there. We'll see what develops.

I'm sure it will be another interesting school year with plenty of entertaining blog material!

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