Thursday, August 7, 2008

Voted best drama on television ...

I used to think Grey's Anatomy was the best drama on television. But I'd have to say this Brett Favre soap opera sure has been one helluva ride.

While it's true there's been no love for the Packers in our house of Purple Pride. We have, however, always respected Favre's athletic ability. How could you not? He was always a threat to us whether he was at home at his revered Lambeau Field or in our cursed dome of doom.

When he announced his retirement (this is where the reporter in me says alleged retirement) in March, there was sadness among Packers fans but what I'd call a sense of relief among other fans in the NFC North. In Title Town, though, he was riding out as a hero, placed on a pedestal, all honor to their king.

When they announced they were planning to retire his jersey at this fall's season opener against the Vikes, Carter said, "Ha! They're retiring his jersey!" and did one of his "Oh yeah, uh-huh" dances. We had to explain that is wasn't a slam against Favre, it was actually quite an honor to retire someone's jersey. We figured he was just too young to grasp what was happening.

I hadn't realized how closely he was following the latest merry-go-round of news -- other than the fact we weren't sure how we would feel about seeing a #4 purple and yellow jersey this year. I think Carter was relieved to learn this morning that Brett was going to a different team. His only response? "Wow, the Jets sure are spending a lot of money in the off-season." Now where did that come from? Apparently he's been watching every episode of this mini-series!

I guess it will be good for Brett to go to New York. If it doesn't work out on the field, there's always a place for drama queens on Broadway.

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