Saturday, August 9, 2008

Making the Cut

I remember being anxious as a child to finally be considered old enough to operate the lawn mower. The main reason? My twin and I were often relegated to "clipping" duty and we hated that! So any chance of "moving up" the mowing ladder was welcomed. As with most adult chores we were eager to try, the fun usually wore off and it is just that -- a chore.

Today Carter got to cut the grass -- or a small square of it anyway -- for the first time. Of course, Mommy was a bit nervous about lost fingers and toes, especially after he joked he was going to mow barefoot! Thankfully, they have so many safety features built in compared to when I was his age 3 decades ago. I felt a little better about it.

So Daddy showed him how to start the mower, follow the cutting path and turn a good corner. My job, as usual, was to take pictures for the blog and scrapbook!

Carter's stint lasted a mere half hour, just enough for him to declare it fun. "I want to do that again!" he said. Oh, I bet he'll have many, many chances now!

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