Thursday, August 21, 2008

Learning Curve

You often hear people comment, "I learn something new every day." Not sure where that phrase initiated or if, indeed, it is a truth for everyone. Nonetheless, here are a few things I have "learned" in recent days.

Better Suited:
Carter and I caught a little bit of the platform diving competition on the Olympics last night. I said, "Isn't it amazing they are jumping from three stories high and traveling at 35 mph when they hit the water?" Carter responds, "I don't get how their suit stays on. Mine always starts to fall off."

No Pain, No Gain: Did you know moms can get football injuries, too? Sometime before the scrimmage this Saturday, we have to get Carter's name sewn on his jersey. When I say we, I mean me, the undomestic goddess. Now it sounds simple enough, but there's a trick to it. I have to make it secure enough so it won't get ripped off in a tough tackle, but loose enough it can be removed easily at the end of the season. Not to mention it should be centered and straight. It took me two hours -- and multiple stab wounds to my fingers -- to complete. I know now that I am not cut out for the pain associated with football. At least Carter's tough!

A Rose is Still a Rose: What's in a name? Carter has mentioned on a few occasions this summer that he would like to go to Kidz Camp early because his favorite counselor, Sam, would be working. Part of the camp program this summer has included earning "Kidz Bucks" to use for "buying" special privileges such as playing Guitar Hero. Last week, Carter "bought" some one-on-one time with Sam and they went to Shivers. This week, Mommy learned Sam's full name is Samantha.

There's lots to learn out there, folks. Lots to learn.

1 comment:

Rayna Delaney said...

Carter seems to have this thing for older women doesn't he? I guess it all started with all his older aunties adoring over him, huh?