Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Moving onto our next "first" of the school year....

Tonight we had orientation at church for 7th-grade confirmation. So you know where we'll be every Wednesday during the next 2 school years (and then some)!

Carter's Sunday School (now confirmation) class has always been the exact opposite of my family. There are 7 boys and 1 girl. Now I know what people mean when they say they feel sorry for my brother with 7 sisters! This poor girl!

I have watched (at least on a weekly basis) these boys grow up since kindergarten. They can be a bit rowdy at times, but I treat one of them as a second son. It will be so good that Carter will get to see him once a week even though they are going to different schools now. Us moms can work out a deal trading off driving, too. We do so much running, any little reprieve will help!

Just sitting in the orientation took me back to junior high and my own confirmation studies. I especially remember "sermon notes" -- those are still around, thankfully. The church I grew up in, Laketown Lutheran, was so small -- with one boy, my twin and I in our grade -- that we combined classes with First Lutheran in Cushing, which really only added another half dozen kids or so. All I remember is the boys (they went to St. Croix school, not Luck). Well of course I remember the Lord's Prayer and all that, too, but I really remember Scott D.!

Maybe it's a good thing Carter's class is all boys. Though now that I think about it, I really better keep an eye on that girl!

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