Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Location, Location, Location

What's one of the keys to a successful business? Location, location, location. What's one of the keys to my happiness? Location, location, location.

Take this morning's location showdown, for instance:

Jim + Vegas + 60 degrees + Local Pollen Alert VS. Robyn + Rapids + minus 6 degrees + Wind Chill Advisory.

Hubby wins this round! And based on our forecast here, he'll win the next two while he works the Strip. I mean works a trade show for work near the Strip. Either way, it sounds way better than this high of 3 degrees and low of -22 business.

I did not venture too far from home today. It was sa cheduled home office day and that was a pleasure. And not necessarily because it was the first time I'd had the house to myself for a day since Jim started his new job months ago. Though that wasn't so bad.

Kitty took naps in the sunshine and I holed up in my office with the heater at my feet, letting the ultra-bright sunshine in while listening to the wind howl. Got Carter after school and got a few groceries. Made him BBQ ribs and cheesy mashed potatoes for supper. Trust me, it was very simple or you know this undomestic goddess would not tackle it.

Now he's in homework land, hubby is probably eating a fantastic meal in the desert heat (hey 50 degrees is heat to me), and I just might catch up some American Idol or, gasp, actually start a book. That hasn't happened in awhile.

Or maybe I'll do something sassy and you'll have to punish me. Here's an idea...

I can start any time.


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