Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Historic Display

When you walk down the main hall of Assumption High School, you're taking a step back in time as photos of each graduating class in the school's 60-year history hang above the doorways. Even though they all look historic (sorry, my class of '81 spouse), I realized tonight it is because they are all in black and white.

Guess who's now part of AHS "history"?

That's right. Carter (second from top left) and the class of 2016!

Now that was weird to see. It makes it seem so long ago. And in some ways, with all that has transpired since May, it was! Kind of cool that he is hanging on the wall opposite his dad. That's a neat part of history for our family.

Also on historic display tonight was our new gymnasium floor...

They sort of kept this under lock and key, away from public viewing, until tonight's volleyball matchup against Auburndale. I had to pop over there to deliver some money for a volleyball t-shirt anyway so used that as an excuse to see the fancy new floor.

This allegedly replaces the original, obviously historic, floor. I don't know enough about its real history, but I gotta say it looks pretty sharp, whether it's the second, third or fifth floor in that gym!

Interesting how life just keeps going on at the school after our time there is done. I miss it.

But then I hear moms talking about their 5 fundraisers right now and I think, OK, I guess I just miss one of my favorite Royals.

Though somebody better call me when butter braids go on sale. I've got a history with that tasty pastry.

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