Monday, September 12, 2016

Slightly Off Balance

The good thing about the World Wide Web is that you can plug in all your symptoms and find out what may be wrong with you. The bad thing about the World Wide Web is that you can plug in all your symptoms and find out what may be wrong with you.

Yup. We now hold cyber medical degrees and are smarter than doctors. Barring all the times you may freak out thinking you are dying of a rare disease, it can be helpful, though.

After taking a walk with a friend yesterday, I mentioned that I felt like I've had shin splints – but all over my leg muscles and joints – for several days. After noting a few other minor ailments over the past week, she said I should get tested for Lyme Disease. It made sense after she said it. Although I don't have the tell-tale bull's eye rash, I do have the achy joints, steady headache, stiff neck and fatigue. According to Mr. WebMD, that totally could be Lyme's.

I don't recall getting bit by a tick or even having one crawl on me, but I certainly could have had that exposure between running, golfing and kayaking. So I popped over to the walk-in clinic before work and had blood drawn for a Lyme test (and a few other tick-related diseases noted in our area). Won't get results for a few days.

So I won't know if I have it or if I am just a run-down old lady who needs to, as the quote suggests above, "shut down, kick back, and do nothing."

Because you know I have an educated opinion about everything... I suspect more than anything that the stressed old-lady theory is what is going on. I spent the first half of the year prepping for graduation, then the summer prepping for college. Neither one were MY thing personally, but I guess I made them MY thing, with both stress and joy added to my plate. Now that the big stuff is over, my body is off balance and telling me to chill.

If I don't get antibiotics prescribed, I think the next-best medicine will be my weekend away. Yup, three days to our 18th annual sister weekend. I am not stressed about that. I decided tonight to get an early, non-rushed start and pack some of the essentials like disposable plates, napkins and utensils. Thank goodness for grad party leftovers! I vowed not to stress about "extras" this year either. Just grab the required items and hit the road Thursday.

Pretty sure my body is craving some down time. Restful time. Visiting time. Belly laughter time. Sister time.

I don't need a blood test or the Internet to tell me that!

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