Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Wild and Wacky

Not that you would doubt that our Wild Women's Weekends are truly wild, but I'll share some wild and wacky photos to confirm it. Just a few weird snapshots and then I'll move on to real life one of these days...

OK, nothing tops the Sasquatch sign. Just found it hilarious when you read the fine print at the bottom that he is "prone to beer" and that the warned was posted by the "Wisconsin Department of Unnatural Resources."

Sign hanging at the apple orchard store we visited because, well, they were selling apple wine!

Did you ever see the Disney or Pixar movie Monsters, Inc.? That's what came to mind as soon as I saw this chair and door hanging on the outside of a building. If you are ever in Shell Lake, Wis., stop by the Potter's Shed and see the eclectic collection of items on display. And bring your camera. Oh, and wallet. Even though I just browsed.

Cool parrot crafted from a crescent wrench and other rusty items from the tool box. Polly wanna cracker or WD-40/

Where is the restroom? Oh just follow the signs. And make that "honeywagon," not restroom.

I love the "unattended children" signs. And they are serious. Although it looks like a lot of "junk" at the Potter's Shed, it's pricey junk. And old.

Venus Fly Traps already freak me out. Sharp, metallic teeth seal the deal. 

Blue Ribbon beauty in the Northwoods! Nothing says Wisconsin like a boat, a lake and PBR!

Didn't see Sasquatch, but we think we saw his hairy offspring. Walka! Yes, I killed it. And yes, I may have screwed up the whole ecosystem of the Northwoods. Just couldn't risk it getting into the cabin! (You're welcome, sisters!)

Me pondering how wild I should get on Wild Women's Weekend. Right. The answer is heck no, I did not get a tattoo.

Out for a bike ride with my sisters...

OK, maybe not. We may have been in the middle of nowhere, but we weren't roughing it THIS much! I saw this on the way home Sunday. I often see Amish men on bicycles along the 4-lane Highway 29. This was the first I saw the ladies out for a Sunday stroll.

What did I do before having a camera on my phone? Grab. Click. Capture. And yes, I kept my eyes on the road. That's why I got 2 pictures out of 8 to work!

Thanks for letting me share part of our weekend. We did plenty of bonding, talking, laughing, crying, and game playing. But most of what happens at Sister Weekend stays at Sister Weekend...

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