Friday, September 2, 2016

The Sweetest Dreams

Just one more sleep 'til this guy leaves the nest! Do you know how many "sleeping" pictures I have taken of this cutie over the years? A ton!

There are too many to count! Kids of all ages just look so sweet and innocent when they are asleep. You gotta capture the moment in case they are the opposite once they are awakened, right?

In the photo above, I remember him scratching his check, bruising it even, on the corner of the coffee table. He's wearing his Tigger hat all gangsta style while napping in his swing. Just want to love him and squeeze and keep him forever!

Well longer than one night anyway. But it's time.

Despite my own emotional roller coaster of late, I hope Carter can see why Dad and I have always been in love with him and his adorable self.

We want him to look in the mirror and see what we see: a mature young man with a good head on his shoulders, a sensitive heart, mischievous eyes to reflect that Austin charm mixed with some Hedberg humor, arms that hug back (thank goodness) and hands that (sadly) no longer need to be held.

You are on your way to next epic chapter of your life, kiddo! The first major step to independence! You got this. (And when you don't, we're still here for you every step of the way!) We love you more than words can say!

And honestly, if I do conjure up more words to say it will open up the floodgates. So I'll log off and enjoy one more peaceful night of sleep with all of us under the same roof.

Sweet dreams, baby boy.

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