Sunday, September 18, 2016

Sisters Without Borders

You've heard of "Doctors Without Borders," but have you heard of Sisters Without Borders?

Those are the 7 women who get together for a weekend each year (typically somewhere in Minnesota or Wisconsin) and enjoy each other's company no matter their NFL allegiance. Typically it's not THAT big of deal. But hey, this time it coincides with Packer-Viking Sunday so, yeah, there was a bit of ribbing going on.

I'll write more about the place and the weekend tomorrow, but tonight it's about that darn football game.

Here's me with Carter's two "ungodly" godmothers, my twin Raylene and sis Renell. Don't worry, they know I normally worship the ground these goddesses walk on. But not today. Not with the border battle going on.

After we all went our separate ways before noon, I headed down toward Mom's and stopped at the cemetery to visit Dad – very appropriate considering our father-daughter rivalry. I always miss those phone calls on Packer-Viking game days. Dad was either quick on the dial if they won, or pretty busy to talk on the phone if they lost. Granted, I had a good cry with him today, but I let him know I was staying true to my hue.

Stopped to see Mom for a bit, too. She welcomed me with open arms despite my shirt. She does have a soft spot for purple in her fashion palate. Mom is doing very well, as you can see. Looking spry at 84, don't ya think?

By the time I got home to Rapids, I had about two hours to kickoff to get a whole lot done. Got unpacked, laundry started and some work finished, but that's it. Was not going to miss watching the Vikings' first game in their new, beautiful stadium.

Ugly game for such a pretty place.

But as they say, all's well that ends well. Either way, sister (and workers in general) on both sides of the border are going to be tired Monday morning.

Whew. At least this time it will be worth it!

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