Thursday, September 1, 2016

Fortune(ate) Cookies

It's possible one of my superpowers is producing treats on demand. Or is it more a WILL power thing?

Carter was complaining the other night that there was nothing to snack on in the house. I told him to get some cookies out of the freezer. I'm guessing he was thinking I meant Girl Scout cookies or something because he opted for watermelon instead.

What I meant were these tasty gems ... the last container of cookies from last year's Hedberg Christmas Cookie Bake (and exchange). You may ask, wasn't that 9 months ago? Yes. Do they still taste OK? Oh, yes!

The magic of super-sealing Ziploc bags inside of a airtight plastic container! Seriously, very tasty spritz, candy cane cookies and "Mexican wedding balls." Not that I had one of each. Yet.

Still full from another last-minute "last supper" with Carter. This one really is it because we're all out and about tomorrow night.

We went to iSpoon, the Chinese/Japanese buffet in town. Might as well hit a buffet and get a head start on the Freshman 15! What do you mean that's not for moms, too?? Had a pretty quick meal and got some fortune cookie words of wisdom for the college bound...

Quite fitting. Of course, we pointed out that if the darkness gets too far into light, then it's likely Carter overslept and will be late for class! But we won't go there...

Today also was Sylvester's birthday. She's 12 now, which apparently is 64 in human years. We invited her to come along just so we could get that senior discount, but she declined. I guess her fortune cookie would say Relaxation is the movement from light to darkness!

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