Thursday, September 22, 2016

Letters Home

I don't always get big letters, but when I do, they are nothing to do with written communications!

I took the picture above in response to a photo Carter took a few days ago after checking out the Miners' M in Platteville.

If you recall, I took this photo of the M on our way out of town a few weeks ago. Even from the road, it looks huge!

But when Carter is standing close to it, it doesn't seem all that big, does it? Shouldn't the hill at least be taller or steeper? An optical illusion, I guess.

Still, it's great to SEE him, isn't it?

He's been a very good boy and stayed in touch. Maybe seeing that M for MOM helps. Either way, we've been happy to hear encouraging reports, such as, "I've been getting up in time for class," "I couldn't have a better roommate if I had picked him myself," "I found the weightroom," and something, too, about girls, but that's not anything to write home about.


It is hard to believe it hasn't even been 3 weeks since we dropped him off. It seems like months. And we have more than a month to go before we see him (in person) again. I guess I will have to be content to look at photos.

If I get desperate, I could go out and sit in his car. It still smells like him. Or an Axe factory. I'm willing to suffer through it... until the next letter.

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