Thursday, July 4, 2019

And the Rockets' Red Glare

Thought I'd throw it back 18 years to the July 4th night my favorite fireworks photo was taken.

If you look closely, you'll see the silhouettes of Jim and me in lawn chairs. I'm holding Carter in my lap as we sit on top of the roof of the newspaper office, taking a work "break" to watch the fireworks. That 2001 so we'll just assume enough time has passed where we won't get in trouble for it!

Didn't go into town for the fireworks tonight. Weather wasn't cooperating.

First, we had this all day. After 10 months of winter, that's fine with me to sweat a bit. Hubby golfed and I did stuff like running and walking and cleaning and grocery shopping. Stuff. And it was nice to have a free day to do it!

We did sort of start a neighborhood gathering this evening. Campfire was lit, but Mother Nature didn't cooperate for long. Before you know it, there was a huddle under a tree and frantic searching for umbrellas. Dang. Like we need more rain.

And we didn't completely miss the fireworks after all. Somebody down the street was lighting a few big ones off.

I hope people realize that some people have to work tomorrow so don't make noise all night. I don't have to. But some people do!

Hope you enjoyed your day of freedom today!

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