Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Hit Like a Girl

I'm not saying the scientific theory of osmosis is bunk, but it didn't work to transfer knowledge in high school or college. And it definitely didn't work to transfer skill this past week – despite countless hours of close observation.

In other words, I saw a lot of USGA US Girls' Junior competition last week and I couldn't play anything remotely resembling their game when we hit the SentryWorld course tonight.

All I could think was dang, I wish I could hit like a girl! Especially those girls!

Still, it was a treat to play on the course as it sits in its full glory – all flowers bloomed and fairways and greens groomed. It's usually like that, of course, but this time was different. Since all 4 of us had volunteered or spectated or both last week, we kept recalling how different players did on different holes and, basically, how incredibly awesome and talented they were!

I'll have to be content once again that I can't just pick up skills through osmosis – and I'll only shoot eagles or birdies with my camera.

Say "cheese"! Or "fore!"

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