Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Tuesday Newsday

A few major news developments around here... 

First, I managed to survive the two-day Amazon Prime Day event with only ordering one item! And that was for hubby, not me. I realize the deals go until midnight and I might take another sneak peek, but hopefully I can maintain my willpower.

In other news...

There's a pack of wild wolves around here that is killing animals for fun. Seriously. Kind of a freaky happening just out of town on the other side of Rapids, thankfully. A dog and 13 sheep have been killed and a cow was injured and surviving so far. Scary deal. I mean we have coyotes in our neighborhood quite often, but wild wolves sound scarier, don't they?

Lastly, if you hear of a winning Powerball ticket sold in Wisconsin Rapids, that unfortunately is not me. So you can still call and be nice and suck up to me, but all you're getting is my friendship. Which is priceless really, isn't it?

That's it for now. Signing off...

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