Sunday, July 7, 2019

Whatever Floats Your Boat

Since Mr Brewery had the day off today,  we gave him his first exposure to the sun this summer!

Spoiler alert! He looks like a lobster now!

We dropped in our kayaks at a place that normally does tubing outings on the Grant River, about a half hour from Platteville.

Thanks to plenty of rain down here, we were able to float along with little paddling effort. Another definition of Lazy River.  And we were fine with that!

As a bonus, we saw an eagle. You know kayaking isn't complete for me if we don't!

The two-hour float took more like 90 minutes. It would have been nice to go longer since it gorgeous out. But we ended right where the truck was parked so you can't beat that for convenience. And any more sun would have been even more painful for Carter's skin!

Went out for pizza tonight then took the boy grocery shopping.

Nothing like hugging goodbye at The Pig! Weekend was pretty fast! But worth it, of course.

Carter has to work in the morning so we'll make our way home via a golf course somewhere. Then I guess we'll have to call our anniversary "week" a wrap!

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