Wednesday, July 10, 2019

It's Not the Heat, It's the Juice?

Now here's one I've never seen before...

In case you can't read it, it says: The big reason the severe weather threat for today decreased is because our air is no longer juicy like it was this morning.

Yup. Juicy air. Not to be confused with humid air or thick air or sticky air. There are apparently varying degrees of moisture. I was just glad one of them wasn't rain.

Not that I had outdoor plans set in stone. But it was just nice to know it was an alternative.

We thought of going to an outdoor concert but some things changed and we didn't. Probably for the best. It is nice to NOT have anything going on for once. In fact, since the air isn't juicy, I might as well go out and get those last 322 steps I need to reach 10,000 for today.

I told you I really have nothing I HAVE to do tonight! I can handle a walk out to the mailbox. In the dry air.

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