Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Sundae, Monday, Tuesday

I have a little bit of a love-hate relationship with ice cream. I mean I LOVE it. But I HATE that it has calories. That's it in a nutshell. Or waffle cone.

Today, though, I was going to pass it up. Honest.

You've heard of the Freshman 15 for college kids. There's also what I call the Festive 15 over the holidays. And now we have the Fundraising 15. Yes, it's a thing.

All this week and next week at work we are doing our big United Way campaign. And I mean big. Huge. Like we raised over a million dollars last year big. So to raise that, we have a crazy calendar with daily bake sales and lunches and afternoon snacks. Along with lots and lots of raffles and fun activities (you recall our mini-golf course last year).

Today, some of us walked over to the new office building to buy lunch for a good cause. Got back to our building and caught the end of a bake sale. Will have to eat that tomorrow since I was too full from my hot ham and cheese sandwich and chips and lemon bar lunch. I actually told my boss: "Mark your calendar. I'm too full to have ice cream today." There was no way I'd venture upstairs for the afternoon Ice Cream Sundae Bar.

But an hour later, I'm like: "Two scoops, please."

I'm hopeless. I have not willpower whatsoever... when it comes to donating to charity. OK. Or to ice cream. But yeah, it IS for a good cause. And it was yummy. And yes, almost painful to enjoy because I really WAS that full.

There's always that little compartment for ice cream, though. Always.

And possibly something else. We'll see what's on the menu, er agenda, for tomorrow's fundraising events! No judging. It's for a good cause, folks.

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