Friday, September 20, 2019

Where Two or More Are Gathered

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.
                                                               – Matthew 18:20

Sometimes when I go for a walk at lunchtime, I take along the committee in my head. Just in case we need a meeting to brainstorm some excellent word choices for my next writing assignment at my desk. Or some other creative project in my life.

Today, I left them behind. After a stressful morning, I just needed time to myself. No thinking allowed.

The purple flowers in the ditch caught my eye and, of course, I wanted to get a picture. Even though my purple team did horribly last weekend, I still love purple. When I got closer, I realized that not one, but three, Monarch butterflies were gathered.

It was so pretty. When I managed to capture a picture on my phone, I just knew they were gathered in His name (as Matthews says) to bring some peace to my mind. It worked.

One of them flew closer to me so I could get a closer picture, too. Every time I looked at that this afternoon, I just felt calm. That butterfly is stopping to smell the flowers, so why shouldn't I?

It was a good reminder to release the stress on the way out the door and slow down a bit. Tonight, with hubby on the road keeping stats for the football team, I had the evening to myself. I worked on a little creative project for a bit and now I'm going to sit in the recliner, maybe watch a movie or read a book. And stop and smell the flowers.

Or at least some fragrant hot tea!

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