Saturday, August 15, 2020

Finding Son-Shine

In order to meet up with Mr. College today for lunch, I had to look at little towns between here and Platteville that offered something with outdoor seating so we could enjoy a meal without trying to eat while wearing masks.

Found a place called Coach's Club sports bar and grill in Cross Plains – almost 2-hour drive for us and about an hour drive for Carter. They had a nice big patio and hardly anyone there since it had been raining before we got there. Son, er sun, came out for us!

Had super delicious lunch and great conversation with our boy and the 4 friends he squeezed into his car! Ha.

Obligatory photo with Mom, of course. Took our masks off for this but otherwise good about having them on.

Carter's friend Halayna was home visiting, too, so she got a picture with her pal "Jimmy." Yup. We're all one big family, ha! Carter's girlfriend couldn't make it so hopefully we'll get down there soon. In the meantime, I sent plenty of fresh treats back home with them!

When we got home, I stopped by a grad party for one of the girls at our church, then went down to the town of Rome to shoot the Shermalot skiers anniversary show. Lots of people there, so that was good. And a great show! Got 100+ photos uploaded for them, so now I can hit the hay! 

And not set any alarm whatsoever for tomorrow! Sweet dreams!


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