Tuesday, August 4, 2020

My Princess Diary

When you start the day with an 8 a.m. appointment to get a crown, you know it's going to be a princess kind of day!

Well, not exactly.

The crown is not a tiara. And it goes on my tooth – not my head.

So it was just a regular work day after all. Since that's what we peasants do. Then I did get some royal treats later. Had some blueberry cheesecake with the birthday boy Mike across the street.

Got my bag of popcorn from the movie theater for supper the next few nights...

Precious cargo, indeed!

And, since hubby had a last-minute golf outing, I decided I'd stick with my princess theme, tune into Disney-plus and watch some movies I haven't ever seen. Tonight's pick? The Princess Diaries, of course! I might have to dig into that popcorn bag tomorrow night and watch the sequels.

Hey, sometimes we princesses have to be girly. Not just royal pains.

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