Sunday, August 2, 2020

Wash Day

This is the day we wash our clothes, wash our clothes, wash our clothes...

One hundred percent chance of no sun on Sunday. It was definitely bath day for Mr. Deck Chair. And I should have been bonding with Mr. Recliner and the remote since I couldn't go anywhere. Instead I neglected them both and got some chores done – including yes, some laundry.

Hubby was  carefully visiting some aunts and uncles in the Marshfield-Stratford area, so I could have done nothing all day. But then... nothing would get done!

Had to run to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things. I guess that's how 3,000 other people were spending their rainy afternoon, too. Thank God masks are now required! Made quick work of that task.

When it appeared the rain was going to be done, my neighbor Marigene and I decided to walk around the lake. Well it didn't stop entirely. Pretty much misted on us, but we got our steps in!

Plus, I got to see another blue heron! My phone doesn't take good pictures, but I was geeking out.

Then I really geeked out when we were walking through the campground to finish our walk...

Look! It's a baby Mr. Deck Chair. My first thought was, "Looks like Mr. Deck Chair shrunk in the wash!!!"

Dang. Wish that would happen to me! Just too cute to not take a picture. Of course. Especially on wash day.

If you haven't figured out by now, I can definitely amuse myself. Especially when left unsupervised! Still got half an hour before hubby gets home. Hmm... what else can I do?

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