Thursday, August 6, 2020

Nature Shoot

I have proof (above) that I was busy doing something wild and dangerous last night so I didn't have time to blog. Or I was just on a senior photo shoot on someone's land in the middle of nowhere and traipsing through tall grass and a swamp to get a good angle!

Thanks to the mom for shooting me in action! There's proof I'll go to any length for a photo.

And here's proof that I am pretty much always shorter than my subjects!!

See how handsome he is from this angle? Well, any angle! So I gotta do what I gotta do. It was a very nice evening!

Tonight I had to scout out a new spot and it was back to nature for me. My highlights – besides prickly burrs on my shoes – were some pretty colors.
I don't like mushrooms as a rule. But when they look like an Elephant Ear from the state fair, I love it!
And then there's the Viking Field in bloom. All kinds of purple and yellow!
These flowers remind me of badminton shuttlecocks. I told Carter they're called Badminton Blooms or Shuttlecock Flowers. I don't think he believed me. Can't beat "mom humor!"
So it was a pretty sight to wrap up my day. Throw in a nice walk with the neighbor and her dogs, and it's been a good two-day stint in my wild world. Hope you've had time to stop and smell the flowers.

Even the purple ones.

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