Tuesday, October 6, 2020

A Berry Nice Day

As it turns out, the senior photo shoot I had after work today was at a cranberry marsh. Finally got a tour of a marsh for the first time since living in cranberry country for 25 years. So that was way cool. 

More photos to come from that one of these days. It happened my senior (above) was still working so that's why we had time for his dad to give me a tour. Then it was his time until the sun went down.

It was the Golden Hour so we got lots of great photos. I only looked at the bow ones and will have to check out the rest tomorrow. Fun time, though!

Went straight from there to shoot high school volleyball. I love watching volleyball but it's too challenging for me to shoot. Especially when I only get a few matches in per season. Those photos will have to wait until tomorrow, too.

Because this old lady is tired! That's what happens after a cran-berry good day! Sweet (or tart) dreams!

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