Sunday, October 25, 2020

Enjoy Your Hibernation, Mr. Deck Chair

Honestly, we didn't really look at the forecast for today. We just figured with the Vikings on bye and nothing to watch on TV that it was time to get our final yard work done. And yes, that includes seeing hubby carry off Mr. Deck Chair to hibernation! Good thing, too.

I disposed of my hanging flower baskets but did take a final picture to prove my purple and yellow flowers are heartier than Mr. Skol Man in the background. Mr. Skowl Man these days. Me too.

After my outside work was done, I got distracted by a squirrel feverishly looking for food to store. It's not just a joke when people illustrate A.D.D. by yelling, "Squirrel!"

This guy captured my interest because I was wondering what was on his head. Then I realized he was just white behind the ears. Haven't seen that before.

Then he turns my way and he's scratching his white belly and I'm like, "I didn't know squirrels had white bellies. How have I not noticed this? Or does it just look weird because he reminds me of Santa?" Obviously, I needed more coffee at this point.

Then I really thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. Snow? How did I not know it was going to snow today? Oh I know. Because I had no place to go. I watched church online and had no photos scheduled.

Our scowling Mr. Skol Man didn't like it either.

At least it's not sticking to the roads. Again, I have no place to go anyway.

And it looks almost pretty. Again, because I have no place to go.

Not sure how long it will stick. We obviously are trying to hold onto summer and fall yet.

So are these leaves. Stay strong, little ones!

Pretty sure my projects and yard work "to do" list is buried and gone into hibernation with Mr. Deck Chair.

Also pretty sure this scene right here is clear sign I should be watching some Hallmark Christmas movies. 

Sounds like a good winter survival skill I need to practice right now. Have a good night!

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