Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Fall-se Alarm

The worst thing about waking up on a cold, dark Thursday morning is realizing it is actually only Wednesday morning.

I'm starting to understand why retired folks say they don't know what day it is. After being home for three nights in a row, I've lost my sense of time and place. And it's only going to get worse. This time next week it'll be dark at 5:30 p.m. probably. And I'll have no sports to go shoot. No kayaking, golfing or other after-work fun. Just cold, dark evenings. 

At home.


Even after 237 days.

Well, yes, I do get out when I can. But not much beyond the grocery store and the few fall sports remaining. Oh, and the chiropractor.

That's where I found myself sitting in the corner today – like a naughty girl. I was actually just waiting for the back-cracker to come in. My face mask, though, was appropriate for my attitude today. 

Hey you'd have an attitude, too, if you mistakenly thought you could see Friday from here!

My cure for the Hump Day blues was one Hallmark movie. Hubby had a meeting at school so I was just able to sneak one in. I feel better now. 

Still gonna keep the mask close by. Just in case.

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