Saturday, November 11, 2023

Family Dinner, er Winner

When my oldest sister decided to move back to northern Wisconsin from Arizona, she wanted to be sure she saw family on a regular basis. So Rayna invited her siblings (and spouses if available) to join her the second Saturday of each month for a game day and dinner.

I missed the first one since we were getting cupboards installed that day, but made sure to get to this one.

I timed my 8 a.m. departure to be sure Hawkeye Dairy in Abbortsford would be open for ice cream for breakfast – my tradition when traveling Up North. And be sure I had an hour to spare browsing through Hobby Lobby in Rice Lake. 

Shortly after noon, I was at Rayna's new digs in the Siren area. A brand-new two-bedroom apartment. It looked so nice and is the perfect amount of space for her. 

Seven out of eight of us siblings were there today – and we got a little spoiled because Grandma RoAnn brought my great-niece Khloe and she was so cute and entertaining! 

Rayna was already in the Christmas mood with two twig trees decorated, music playing, and a nice Vikings fireplace if you caught the color change just right!

Grandma Ro and Khloe. Those dimples!!

Ron, Nell, and Romey. And don't ask me how I was holding my phone. Weird angles. This is when we started playing a card game and I went out with the hand up top (those 2 jokers) and felt confident.

But the queen of cards rules! Mom just kicked my butt today. First in Sequence and then in Crowns or whatever that game was called. She must know by now we all get our competitive streak from her! She's doing good, though, and it was great to see her. 

Great to see everyone! And enjoy a tasty dinner and dessert – thanks, Rayna!

On the drive home, it was dark and I was quite concerned about deer, especially after Jim texted me the picture of this buck he saw on his way to church this afternoon.

Wow. As luck (or not) would have it, I had snow and rain my whole drive back this evening so the bucks were snuggled at home with their new brides and such. 

Thank you, Lord, for lots of smiles and safe miles today!

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