Sunday, November 5, 2023

Plunged into Darkness. Again.

There's a false celebration that we are ending Daylight Saving Time – and getting an extra hour of sleep (or something). But then it gets to be 5 p.m. on that first day. And we're plunged into darkness. Much too soon.

A few faves...

This is funny because most of us got up when our bodies told us to get up. And based on the full parking lot at church this morning, I'm guessing it was EARLY.

And this is 100% dramatic me. As I told my mom today, I realize I've lived in Wisconsin for decades and this happens every single stinkin' year. But still... I hate it. I want jammies on by 6 p.m. And this won't change for at least 4 month. Uff da.

On the "light" side literally, we honored loved ones we've lost for All Saints Day. I lit a candle to pay tribute to those we've lost in the past year – Jim's mom, my Aunt Gwen, his Uncle Lyle, and my friend Cindy. To name a few. As I said the other day, grief can sneak up on you. But it was a good reminder today that they are in a better place. 

Also on the much brighter side, with our QB Cousins out for the season and the backup QB getting a concussion in the first quarter, the Vikings had to rely on their 3rd-stringer, so to speak, to step up today – just days after the Purple People Eaters acquired him. And he did that job!

This is fascinating. I don't care what team you cheer for! And we didn't get to watch the game until the last few minutes. Just followed the drama on our phone apps. And then bit our nails at the end. Whew. SKOL, Vikes! Well done!

Oh and the other highlight of the day was learning kitty also like Pumpkin Spice Cheesecake ice cream! We're soul sisters forever!

Side note: you can see a sneak peek at our kitchen island here. That lighter stuff is a brushed metal insert. Stay tuned to pics this week after our countertops and sink get installed Tuesday. It's been a long 7 weeks! 

Despite Daylight Saving Time ending, there is light at the end of that particular tunnel!

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