Thursday, December 14, 2023

For Kids from 1 to 92

We definitely got into the holiday spirit tonight when we trekked up to Wausau to hear STEEM in concert. Five couples representing the Assumption class of 1981 (and spouses) were there primarily to see our friend and their fellow classmate Kathy sing.

But we were treated to a lot more. 

Got to see some of Wausau's decorations. And... Did you know Mel Tormé's son Steve March-Tormé lives in nearby Appleton, Wisconsin? He was running this show and his smooth voice was much like his father's – known way back in the day as The Velvet Fog. Also singing on stage was the former lead of Vic Ferrari plus a dozen crazy talented musicians – from guitar to sax and violin, all accompanied by a large string section comprised of orchestra students from high schools in Wausau and Neenah.  

Quite the show! A couple pictures...

Kathy and Jim.

Our gang with the superstar!

Fun fact: The show was called "For kids from 1 to 92" because Steve's father co-wrote "The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire)." It was pretty cool to hear him sing it.

You can see much of the full ensemble here. A pretty full stage!

It was great to see Kathy take center stage. Wish she could've sang more out front but they packed a lot of music into the show – including a few instrumental Tran Siberian Orchestra-type tunes. Awesome.

I think they still have a few shows around Wisconsin and Illinois if you can catch it. You'll be impressed and definitely feel the Christmas spirit!

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